The Journey to looking and feeling femme can be an exciting yet nervous road to venture down! Maybe it has taken you a while to get to this point or maybe you are ready to jump straight in ... whichever way you have ended up here we have 3 tips to help you feminize yourself!
- HAIR REMOVAL. We understand that you may be in a situation where you cannot shave both legs, but even a cheeky little thigh shave will give you a taste of feeling femme! Using shaving cream or a razor and moisturiser will leave you with silky skin that you will become addicted too!
- SELF CARE. It can start with something as simple as introducing a skincare routine ( no one would suspect anything right? ) Add some moisturiser or face cream to your day and get a little taste of what if feels like to be femme!
- POSING. Yep, posing. Practice sitting a little more feminine when you are at the computer, or driving. Would you arch your back? Cross your legs? Practicing femme poses will give you a confidence boost and lead you to imagining what your femme self would look like!